As 2023 ends, we at Vitala Global want to reflect on how much we have grown and all the meaningful contributions we have made as a team. This year has been pivotal in our work for sexual and reproductive health with the launch of Aya Contigo in the United States, the ongoing expansion and deepening of our impact in Venezuela, and the creation of our Rise in Reproductive Justice Fellowship.

Dr. Roopan Gill, our co-founder and Executive Director, was featured by Forbes as one of the seven female leaders changing the narrative around inclusivity and accessibility of the healthcare industry, through the design of digital solutions for women and girls in challenging contexts.
She was also part of the BBC Business Daily podcast "The Tech Supporting Women's Health", where she spoke about the challenges of developing Aya Contigo in the middle of the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela where abortion is illegal. Dr. Gill made clear the commitment of Vitala Global to reach underserved populations with quality content for them to make their own informed choices.
On September 28th, International Safe Abortion Day, the World Health Organization (WHO) highlighted Vitala Global as one of the real-life stories widening access to quality abortion care from the grassroots up.
That same day, Aya Contigo was launched in the United States, delivering safe information about contraceptives, self-managed abortion, legal support, funding, and solutions for immigrants seeking to exercise their fullest reproductive autonomy.
These resources address the barriers faced by women in the US, where state abortion bans threaten 6.7 million Latinas, making them the largest group of women of color living under these restrictions after the overturn of Roe v. Wade in 2022.

Global Recognition
Our work was also featured by Planned Parenthood, as one of the five chat tools that empower women to control their abortion journey, regardless of their immigration status, race, gender expression, or income level.
While Fast Company shared the story of how Aya Contigo is bringing user-centered solutions to Venezuela, and being a digital companion to those who seek contraception and abortion information. This is powered by their partnership with dozens of grassroots organizations and activists who helped build an instrument to make Venezuelan women the owners of their sexual and reproductive health.
As we enter into 2024, we believe that there is so much work to be done to provide Latinas with the information they need to fight against bias and injustice regarding abortion and health. We will continue to expand our work and there will be more exciting news on the horizon, as we reach more countries and reinforce our developments in Venezuela and the US. We are proud of what we have achieved in 2023, but we know that this is just the beginning. We are grateful for the support of our partners, donors, allies, and users who share our vision of a world where every woman has the right to decide over her own body and life. We invite you to join us in 2024, as we continue to innovate and advocate for sexual and reproductive health and justice for Latinas.
If you want to support our work during 2024, you can do it by donating to Vitala Global. In the U.S. and Canada, your contribution is tax-deductible!