unsafe abortions are entirely preventable
1 in 4 pregnancies worldwide
ends in induced abortion
7 million women
are hospitalized each year
for complications from unsafe abortions
Every 23 minutes
a woman or girl dies
from an unsafe abortion
Our projects
Vitala Global provides people with evidence-based digital platforms to support their safe abortion and contraception journeys.

We focus our work in challenging contexts because there are more barriers for women and girls to accessing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services and tools in these settings. We currently have two projects, one in Canada where the needs are culturally diverse and spread across many different contexts, and in Latin America where the SRH situation is particularly complex due to the restrictive legal context for safe abortion care and various sociocultural factors.

With the support of the Options for Pregnancy Termination Innovation Initiative grant (OPTions) this project is dedicated to addressing the gaps in safe abortion care and family planning access that women and girls in Latin America face due to unplanned pregnancies, clandestine and unsafe abortions, and consequently maternal deaths that are occurring.

myPostCare provides multidisciplinary support through holistic content that addresses topics such as medical side effects and symptoms, emotional and psychological well-being, family planning options, and sexual health. There is also personalized support through email notifications addressing the natural stages and changes in the post-abortion care journey.